Art Omi Bioplastics Residency

In Summer 2023 I was selected to be an Architect in Residence at Art Omi in upstate NY. My independent project was a continuation of my research into the potential of bioplastic in architecture. Explored through material investigation and culminating in the design of a pavilion that embodied the qualities inherent in the materials.
Inspired by the potentials of alternative and environmentally conscious materials in the field of architecture, the thesis was to utilize materials with a temporal life-cycle that matched that of the proposed pavilion. 
My interest in bioplastics began as an exploration of sustainable material alternatives, aiming to reduce a project’s carbon footprint while aligning it’s material life cycles to its own. 
The residency concluded with a presentation of my work on bioplastics to date. I curated the space for the final presentation of my residency as an exhibition illustrating the process I undertook in developing this body of work. Moving clockwise from material production, to testing and iteration, to model making and full scale prototyping. 12.12.44
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